Klaim Malaysia

Indonesia baru saja merayakan pesta rakyat 17 Agustus lalu. Namun sekarang rakyat Indonesia benar-benar diuji rasa nasionalisme atas ulah Malaysia. Mencuatnya banyak budaya Indonesia yang diaku milik Malaysia menggemparkan rakyat Indonesia. Di koran-koran, di radio-radio, serata di televisi-televisi , berkoar-berkoar memberitakan klaim Malysia itu.

Hal yang masih hangat sekali yaitu klaim Malaysia atas tari pendet. Padahal tari pendhet itu sudah menjadi kebudayaan Bali sejak ratusan tahun silam. Tidak hanya tari Pendhet, lagu rasa sayang-sayange, lagu daerah Maluku pun juga menjadi lagu pengiring salah satu iklan pariwisata Malaysia, pihak Malaysia mengatakan bahwa itu adalah lagu kerajaan Malaysia. Ketika dimintai konformasi pihak Malaysia juga mengatakan bahwa kesamaan-kesamaan budaya tersebut dialasankan karena Indonesia dan Malaysia sama-sama berada di tanah melayu.

Tidak berhenti dengan tari pendet dan lagu rasa sayang-sayange. Malaysia juga mengklaim batik, dampak dari klaim itu para pengrajin batik pun merasa dirugikan keras karena bisa-bisa penjualan batik pun menurun. Jero wacik menteri kebudayaan dan pariwisata Indonesia pun berjanji akan meminta pertanggung jawaban pihak Malaysia.

Kebudaan milik Indonesisa lainnya yang di klaim oleh Malaysia adalah Reog Ponorogo, bunga Rafflesia Arnoldi yang berada di Sumatra, wayang kulit, serta angklung alat musik khas dari Jawa Barat.

Oleh karena itu kita sebagai penerus bangsa mari tingkatkan rasa nasionalisme untuk merebut kembali kebudayaan-kebudayaan yang di klaim Malysia jangan sampai itu semua senasib dengan Pulau Sipadan yang kini menjadi milik Malaysia.

Skin's Disease


Dermatitis or eczema is a medical term for the deviation of the skin where the skin appears red and irritation. Keradangan this can happen anywhere but is most often affected are the hands and feet. Type of eczema that is most often found atopik eczema or dermatitis atopik. Akan eczema symptoms start to appear on the children especially when they are over the age of 2 years. In some cases, the eczema will disappear with increasing age, but not a few of them will be suffering from contemporary life. With the right treatment, this disease can be controlled with a good will reduce the number relapse


Comedo is the scientific name of which clog pore, can be open or
closed. A open Comedo is also known as blackhead, visible
such as pore and become a draw (which is black is not dirt; fact that plug pore is distorted colors krn teroksidasi in air). Comedo closed, or whitehead, have the skin grow over pore stopped therefore look white small like bulge under the skin. Komedo this type of pimple is caused by dead skin cells gland and overproduction of oil on the skin.

Athletes Foot

Athlete's foot is a disease caused by fungi, usually found between two toes. Fungus usually attacks the feet because shoes raise the temperature a warm, dark, and humid environment which encourages fungus to grow. Warm and humid in the area around the swimming pool, shower, and cold meat, is also a place to grow mushrooms. Because the infection is very common to be athletes often practice facility, the term ìathlete's footî become popular.

Not all of the conditions is a must athlete's foot. Other conditions such as interference sweat mechanism, reaction to the pigment or adhesive in shoes, eczema, and Psoriasis (a kind of chronic skin disease), also similar to athlete's foot.


Biduran / bidur / urtikaria interference in the form of skin redness The speck is higher than the surrounding skin surface, and does not clearly limit regularly, tingle. Biduran / urtikaria caused by allergy, are usually not dangerous. Biduran considered serious if the area or face a respiratory disturbance

Ring worm

Ringworm / scabies / Ringworm (tinea) is a fungus infection caused by several different fungi and bisanya grouped based on their location in the body.

Despite its name, ringworm infection is not related to the worm. The name arises because the ring-shaped patch of skin was created by these infections


Psoriasis is a chronic disease and kambuhan, marked by the benjolan scaly silvery color and the amount of plaque (The speck is prominent) that vary with the size.
Psoriasis most often found at the age of 15-35 years..


Selulitis is a spread of bacterial infections in skin and tissue under the skin.
Infection can spread quickly and can enter into the lymph vessel and blood flow. If this happens, infection can spread to the entire body.
Selulitis may be caused by many different types of bacteria, the most common is Streptococcus.
Staphylococcus can also cause selulitis, but are usually limited in a more narrow area.

Prickly Heat

Prickly heat is a skin rash that causes itching, itching.
Most often found in children, but can strike regardless of age.
The body shape that often prickly heat is a torso and thigh.
The stoppage is in the pore-pore derived from sweat gland.
At the time of removing the body of a hot sweat, but because of the stoppage on hold in the sweat in the skin and cause a small terbentuknya benjolan red.


Skabies is a infestasi mite that causes beruntus-beruntuk small reddish and itchy feeling great.
Skabies caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei.
Infestasi mite is easily spread from person to person through physical contactand frequent attack of all in one house.

Lirik Bondan n Fade 2 Black - unity


F2B: Yo.. The U,

the N, the I, the T, the Y!! Spread a love let it high fly..

F2B: Yo.. The U, the N, the I, the T, the Y!!
Spread a love let it high fly.. to the sky!!
Kepalkan telapak tanganmu.. yang keras!!
Bertahan dan ayunkanlah.. ke atas!!
Dan.. jangan pernah liat perbedaan sebagai suatu halangan.
Everything that's wrong must come out as one.
One soul, one blood, one heart.. one love!!
Keep your vision alive and keep it smart.

Mr. B: Hey.. you! watch you gonna do?
Watcha gonna do when they come for you??
Just put your arm fist, but don't make it twist.
Now stand together in the platform of peace.

F2B: Bisa saja kau tak hargai pendapatku..
Pendapatmu? Pendapatku? Pendapatmu? Pendapatnya??
Perlu satu kata agar tidak berontak.
Saat ini kuingin kalian semua untuk teriak!


Bridge: Come on put your fist up.. U N I T Y !!
Semua bergerak.. U N I T Y !!
We gotta take da power back.. U N I T Y !!
Semua teriak.. U N I T Y !!


F2B: Listen up.. listen up!! e'yo body.. listen up!!
Everybody joy the music and put.. your hands up!!
Jangan ada ragu, walau hanya sedetik.
Bersama kita satu tanpa koma atau titik.
One goes to the two becoming three.
I know its not easy, living in a U N I T Y.
Satu jiwa (ough), satu darah (yeah), Satu rasa (c’mon), satu cinta!!

Dm Bb F C Dm Bb F C
Mr. B: We believe as one in time. We will be as one in mind.


Bass solo


F2B: Get up, stand up.. come on put your hands up!!
Stand up and get up.. so come on put your hands up!!
Bhineka tunggal ika.. satu dalam rasa..
dan keadilan itu belum tentu sama rata!!
Warna yang melebur, tenang di dalam kontras.
Jiwa kita kokoh, seperti batu keras.
Aku dan kau.. yang terangkum dalam waktu.
Tapi tunggu dulu, kau tau arti Satu??

Back to Bridge

Dm Bb F C Dm Bb F C
Mr. B: We believe as one in time. We will be as one in mind. (2x)

Dm G#dim7

Lezz: yeah.. Ini adalah cara yang sama untuk me-respek perbedaan..
antara kau, aku.. hewan, setan.. warna.. hitam, putih.. keras atau pelan.
Coba jabarkan isi otak Martin Luther ketika suarakan persamaan.
Apa masalahmu?! Masalahku dan kau bukan sebatas perbedaan.
Hanyalah tentang bagaimana.. bagaimana kita hidup berdampingan??
Kalian para poser dari tokoh nonsen..
prepare untuk bersatu dan bakar egotrip jiwa..
prepare untuk bersatu dan bakar egotrip jiwa!!!

Dm Bb F C Dm Bb F C
Jay&Zac: We believe as one in time. We will be as one in mind

Dm Bb F C Dm Bb F C
Mr. B: We believe as one in time. We will be as one in mind. (2x)

Hujan Malam Sepi.

Langit gelap malam ini.
Lenyapkan kilau sang bintang.
Temani bulan yang tertutup awan.

Derunya menghempas gundah.
Memberi damai dengan rintiknya.
Perlahan membasahi hati.
Dan keringnya tak terasa lagi.

Meski dingin menggetarkan tulang.
Aku ingin dia tak usai.
Terus menyerbu.
Dan damaikan aku.


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