What’s ISD ?
Infected sexual disease : disease which contagious by sex cause infection, barren and dead
We can prevent them and there are some thing which must we do. Those are:
· Prevent dangerous sex.
· Don’t do sex relation before married.
· Use condom for preventative.
· Keep the genital hygiene.
Indication of male easier to detected than female.
The Indication of male are:
1. A pimple contain liquid blister of penis.
2. An injury at penis.
3. There are penis itch.
5. Smell suppuration urine.
The indication of female:
1. Painful when urinary.
2. Painful of downside of stomach.
3. Mucus in vagina.
4. Whiteness with foam, greenish, and small.
5. There are bloods after sex relation.
Kind of ISD :

- Primer :one injury, bulge and not painful.
- Secondary :red pimple of body
- Tersier :heart and skin disease.
2. Herpes Genital is caused by herpes simplex virus. The indication is known about 4-7 days after copulation. The indication is knon about 4-7 days after copulation.
- Moisture pimple like small garapes and very painful.
- It'll break and be dry injury.
The indication can play up if there are stress, menstruation and alcohol.
3. Trichomoniasis is caused by trichomona vaginalis. The indication :
- A watery liquid in vagina greenish yellow, foam, and putrid.
-Around of genital is swollen and itch also reddish.
- Chafed of genital.
- Born of baby is premature.
- Easy the contagious of HIV.
4.Gonorrhea Is caused by neisseria gonorrhea.
The indication known 2-10 days after copulation.
- There are yellow thick liquid
-Painful in down side of stomach.
-Can rise without indication.
- infection of pelvis
- Sterilization
- Eye Infection of baby
5. Ukus Mole (cancroids) Is caused by homophillus deureyi.
The Indication:
- Injury more than one and that diameter about 2cm sunken of edge.
The complication:
- Dead of zygote of pregnant mother.
- Easy the contagious of HIV.
6.Chlamydia Is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis.
The Indication:
- -Liquid of vagina is yellowish white.
- -Painful of cavity pelvis
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